Rob gets a text from Dawn and May insists he replies. Dawn is upbeat about the new flat. Dawn finds the surrogacy contract and the reality of her situation sinks in. Rob worries whether him and May are doing the right thing. May reassures him. Dawn goes to see Stella who tells Dawn the contract isn’t legally binding and that it won’t stop her from keeping the baby. May gently pressures Rob who still hasn’t made it round to Dawn’s. Dawn rips up the contract in front of Rob and tells him it’s worthless so they can be together. Garry bursts into Dawn’s new flat with a bottle of wine, shortly followed by Minty. They are stunned to see the new tenant is Dawn. Rob covers why he’s there and leaves. Garry thinks he might have a chance with Dawn but Minty disagrees. Rob is beside himself as he tells May about Dawn ripping up the contract. May, fuming, says the plan will still work andRob is going to help her, whether he likes it or not…Peggy tells Phil they were broken into last night but nothing was taken. Ben hides his hearing aid under the sofa to get out of school. Phil’s having none of it and to Ben’s horror asks Stella to take him in. Stella sweetly agrees to pick him up again and comes across Ben’s hearing aid. She drops into a cup of tea. Peggy struggles to fit the padlock and Sean offers to help out. Ben is really scared when he is being bullied at school. Stella returns with Ben and asks him why he hid his hearing aid and that she broke it. By manipulation, Stella eventually promises not to tell Phil that Ben wet himself at school. She tells him to prove he’s a Mitchell. Stella is delighted at her successful manipulation of Ben. Tanya tells Max he’s babysitting as she’s going out with the girls. Stacey’s annoyed when Max cancels on her. Tanya invites Ben to Lauren’s birthday party to make the peace. Stella’s reluctant but asks for the invite to go to her, not Phil. Stacey calls Max - she knows he’s home tonight with the girls. Max is with Abi when he gets a text telling him to come into the living room. Stacey is there in an overcoat, and shows him what’s underneath. Abi is bored and goes to the living room. A flustered Max comes out just in time, he says the computer’s still playing up and walks her back to the kitchen. Billy reveals his plans of the internet shop to Phil hoping to get him to invest. Ian overhears and insists he had the same idea which puts Phil off. Phil tells Billy he’ll invest in the internet café after he hears Ian winding up Billy. Phil coughs up for the new computers for the shop. He tells him that he can’t cover Mickey’s wages as well so Billy will have to get rid of him. Mickey’s gutted when he finds out.

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