Gail (Helen Worth) is feeling lucky to be alive and admits that shes still confused about the speculation over Jason (Ryan Thomas). Meanwhile, Audrey (Sue Nicholls) goes to the yard to speak to Jason herself and when he tells her they were rowing because he thought Sarah had had an abortion, she starts to consider other possibilities as she recalls whose partner really has had an abortion. She resolves to confront David (Jack P Shepherd) and find out exactly whats going on. Carla (Alison King) is enjoying the attention shes receiving after the engagement and secretly hopes that it's all making Liam (Rob James-Collier) jealous. However, when Tony (Gray O'Brien) proposes to her again when no one is around she happily accepts. Meanwhile, Michelle (Kym Ryder) is panicking about Ryan (Ben Thompson) going to Cornwall and has grilled Nick over every aspect of the trip, however, it's clear she's more worried that she's going to lose her son to Nick.