Michelle (Kym Ryder) has finally decided to let Ryan (Ben Thompson) return to school provided he is escorted to and from the premises. When Lloyd (Craig Charles) drops Ryan off, he spots the stalker’s car outside and follows it back to a house. As soon as Michelle is alerted she decides to go to the house and get some answers from the man who is stalking her son. She approaches the house but is stunned when she’s greeted by a 15-year-old boy who is the spitting image of her late partner Dean. Who is the boy and why does he look like Ryan’s dead father?Meanwhile, Sarah’s (Tina O'Brien) getting increasingly angry as she hears everyone praise David (Jack P Shepherd) for turning himself around and rising to the challenge that Stephen (Todd Boyce) has put his way. As David revels in seeing Sarah antagonised and mocks her earlier threat to him, she is even more determined to ruin things for him. What is Sarah plotting? Tony (Gray O'Brien) arrives at the factory to take Carla (Alison King) out for lunch, but when she rejects his offer because she needs to manage the factory until Liam (Rob James-Collier) gets back, Tony walks on to the factory floor and tells everyone to put their tools down and leave early to do some Christmas shopping. Carla’s appeased when he assures her that they’re working on his lines and that he’ll pay for any losses. But will Liam be quite as accepting of this interference?Elsewhere, Dan (Matthew Crompton) is shocked when he approaches a police woman on the Street to report Blanche (Maggie Jones) stealing pens from the bookies and realises Abi is a copper.

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