Photo Credit: BBC/World of Wonder/Guy Levy
The first season of RuPaul's Drag Race UK continued this week with another stellar episode, showcasing the Queens sewing talents - or lack of!
There were some incredible lewks brought to the runway, and some of the funniest quotes in Drag Race herstory! Here are some of our favourites from the episode...
- Cheryl Hole: "You've gotta have balls, and that cat wasn't neutered, was it?"
- Crystal: "Vinegar is over-confident... and I think that's a real advantage for her because her looks are a mess."
- Cheryl Hole: "I'm the s**t and I know I'm the s**t, and I'm here to s**t on them."
- Blu Hydrangea: "Scaredy Kat is now roadkill."
- Sum Ting Wong: "Vinegar! Have you got any s**t drag I can borrow?"
- Baga Chipz: "They are all like Glastonbury maidens, and I'm dressed like a bloody librarian!"
- Crystal: "Blu is looking like she's in the throes of the pox, it's very black death realness."
- Blu Hydrangea: "Crystal just mounted the pole and she is giving me serious side ball!"
- RuPaul: "Baga Chipz... May I call you Theresa May-pole?"
- Baga Chipz: "I'm coughing my minge up... I feel like Paula Radcliffe; I'm gonna have a piss in the street in a minute."
- Raven: "You all look like f**ken s**te!"
- Cheryl Hole: "It was like the reduced section at a supermarket; everyone was grabbing for the sausages."
- Baga Chipz: "I'm one of those people who go into a shop... 'That's £5'... I'll give you 50p... I haven't paid a taxi in about 10 years; I just do favours..."
- RuPaul: "Keep a stiff upper lip, put these gloves on, close your eyes and think of England."
- Baga Chipz: "I'm getting high off this glue! Wanna go for a spin in the car?"
- Divina De Campo: "Oh Vinegar... I'll help you pack!"
- Divina De Campo: "Fancy a finger? How about 700 rubber ones?! AHAHAHA!!!"
- Baga Chipz: "It's camp! It's camp as tits! I'm scrubbing that floor like Cinderella; I'm a dirty, dirty girl, scrubbing my sins away!"
- RuPaul: "Have they opened a party city in London?"
- RuPaul: "Fashion forecast: wizard sleeves."
- RuPaul: "She's got a head for business; and a body for arm wrestling."
- Graham Norton: "Someone has met Michelle Visage's hairdresser..."
- RuPaul: "Oh, she's gotta go, she's double-booked."
- Michelle Visage: "You know how she got that skirt Ru? Five finger discount."
- Michelle Visage: "Glad to see that hip replacement went well." RuPaul: "The swelling will eventually go down."
- Crystal: "Im putting the ho into home decor!"
- Graham Norton: "Has she got a wide-on?"
- RuPaul: "You are safe. You may step up your pussy, and leave the stage."
- RuPaul: "Was it worth it?" Sum Ting Wong: "Not really!"
- RuPaul: "Vinegar Strokes..." Vinegar Strokes: "You can call me hodgepodge!"
- Graham Norton: "As a whole, it's a trip to recycling."
- Michelle Visage: "This is delusion, not illusion... I'm glad we're on the same page." Vinegar Strokes: "Yes... this one."
- Baga Chipz: "Never mind Baga Chipz, I look like a bag of spuds!"
- Baga Chipz: "You look like you fell in the bins!"
- The Vivienne: "These badges are heavy, I couldn't possibly wear another!"
- RuPaul: "The catwalk was very odd too. It was like she had an almond between her legs."
- RuPaul: "You've won a coveted RuPeter badge; a treasure you'll pass down to your grandchildren one day."
- RuPaul: "Vinegar Strokes: the judges read your book... to filth."
- Vinegar Strokes: "So long, gay boys!"

Photo Credit: BBC/World of Wonder/Guy Levy
What do you think of the show? Who do you think will win? Sound off in the comments!
RuPaul’s Drag Race UK continues each week in the UK on BBC Three, available on BBC iPlayer at 8pm every Thursday.
RELATED: All of the best quotes from the second episode of RuPaul's Drag Race UK!
Tagged in RuPaul's Drag Race