
NOTE: Spoilers

It seemed once again this week that Kass was in control of who was going to be sent packing, as she continues to make bold moves and irritate or please those around her, depending which side of the playing field you're on.

Before tribal council however came a rewards challenge, which saw Spencer, LJ, Jeremiah, Morgan and Jefra all sent to the Outback Steakhouse for a luxurious three course meal.

Hidden in one of the napkins at that dinner was a clue to the location of a hidden immunity idol, and it was Spencer who happened to sit in the right seat to find that tidbit of information.


Choosing not to share it with those at the dinner with him, he concealed it in his pants and decided to wait until he returned to camp to read it.

Woo seemed to be the only one to cotton on to what exactly was going down, and slowly used his #NINJASTEALTHMODE to sneak around and follow Spencer.

Nothing was coming up roses for one third of the surviving members of the Brains tribe, and he stumbled upon his stalker at one point telling him he was simply going on a walk. What he forgot to do was pick up his trousers - where he had rehidden the immunity idol clue - and as Woo picked them up to return them, the clue fell to the ground and was fair game.


Woo picked it up and started running. Spencer gave chase but it was no use, and before long Woo had returned to the beach and shared the information he had with his alliance.

Spencer did the same, and so perhaps the biggest immunity idol hunt in the history of Survivor was underway, with literally every contender left searching for the tribal saviour.

In the end, it was Spencer who took the idol and managed to keep it a secret from those who were supposed to be watching him "like a hawk", but unfortunately for him, it wasn't the idol with super powers we've been touted all season, but another normal one.

Then came this week's immunity challenge, and it was another one of endurance.

Kass fell first, swiftly followed by Jeremiah, Trish and Tony.

Morgan was next to fall from her post, as it all became too much for Woo, Jefra and LJ.

The showdown came between Tasha and Spencer, and it seemed as if the idol holder was about to drop, but a great recovery meant Tasha was taken by surprise and she slipped up, meaning Spencer had individual immunity and safety going in to the next elimination.


Panic starts to set in and people begin to scramble, with Spencer realising it's Kass that's most likely to flip back to his side and vote to take Tony out of the game.

Tony's got his own plan - take out Morgan because she's the least likely to have an idol, on the account that she just sits around all day and you can't tell whether she's a "pillow or a person". If something crazy is pulled at tribal, they'll flip their vote onto Tasha.

His side are all in agreement and into tribal they walk. Jeff asks his usual pointed questions, and the vote gets underway.

The first four votes are read and they all go to Tony. Unfortunately for Morgan, the following six go to her and she's sent packing.


Once again, Kass had the choice of who she wanted to align with this week, and although Spencer could have made a major move and played his idol in the hopes of saving a member of his alliance, he still would have been down on the numbers going into next week, and so perhaps he's smarter in keeping it for himself, when he thinks he'll truly need it.

Survivor continues next Wednesday, 8/7c on CBS.

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