Nicola McClean

Nicola McClean

In an attempt to get to know each other, Nicola asked Timmy about his family ‘Has Mrs Mallett got the same personality?’

He’ll be entertaining and funny’

‘She’s practicality. She’s funny. I make her laugh’ he replied.

She continued. ‘So when you’re at home, what sort of clothes do you wear? Is it all wacky stuff?’

Timmy replied ‘I like colour. I wear shorts quite a lot. I go into Maidenhead three miles away and people go oh (in recognition). I’m used to it and its part of my job.’ Timmy then asked if Nicola gets recognized, ‘It depends where. Not a tremendous amount walking down the street. It all depends where I am. In a nightclub, my market’s all lads, so it all depends where I am or at the football.

Timmy asked if she was polite. ‘Ish.’ She replied. ‘Sometimes yeah, sometimes not.’

Conversation soon turned to David as Nicola pointed out that it’s his birthday next week. She asked Timmy how he thought David would cope.

‘He’ll be entertaining and funny’, Timmy replied. Nicola said that she thought he seemed fragile. ‘I wouldn’t have descried him as fragile’, he answered.

Timmy then customized his hat with a stick of charcoal, as he painted spots on it.