Dougie Poynter
The Camp’s Merge
Snake Rock and Croc Creek were told that they would merge and become one big camp. This meant that Snake Rock would join Croc Creek. The former’s campmates were nervous about a new home having bonded as a ‘family’.
It’s going to be a lot more crowded. They’ve already started on our fire. They’re just zoned in on our fire and started to change it and I’m not happy
Jessica –Jane said she was half nervous and half excited and Dougie said he was looking forward to seeing new people again. However, camp ‘mum and dad’ Stefanie and Willie weren’t so overjoyed at having to move.
Meanwhile in Croc Creek, talk was also of the impending change. Mark told Antony it might be the last time they went to the shower together and also confided that he would give Stefanie his bed if necessary. Antony wasn’t quite so generous minded. “She’d drop you like a hot brick. It’s show business not show friends” he warned.
After the joining of the camps, the members of what was Snake Rock said they felt like invaders in the new camp. Stefanie said “We’ve just come into Croc Creek and seeing our old mates. Here will be more games afoot and more tricks. We’re not going to be in beds, we’re going to be in hammocks.”
Even Dougie found it awkward. “We really feel like we’re in someone else’s home” he said.
Antony and Willie had words about how to boil a kettle and later Antony, never one to hide his feelings said “It’s going to be a lot more crowded. They’ve already started on our fire. They’re just zoned in on our fire and started to change it and I’m not happy!”
I'm A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here!
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