Nadine Dories
As I'm A Celebrity continues to put its pampered subjects through the ordeals of the jungle, we've got the best of the action summed up right here for you.
In Croc Creek the celebrities decide to help Helen get into the fighting spirit by giving her a bandanna to put round her head and camouflage make-up.
After failing to win the trial in the previous show, the actress tells her hungry camp mates, “I’m going to do it. I’m going to do you proud. I’m going to do my very best.”
Boxer, David told Helen he has much more confidence in her ability today.
But she admitted, “My confidence has gone pretty low.”
Later she whispered to Brian “I just want some energy before the trial.”
Having taken the young actress under his wing, he gave her a pep talk and then puts on her boots and socks so she is ready to do battle.
Helen told her camp mates, “I’m going to give it my all and psych myself up.” But as she headed off to the trial, fellow actress Charlie was less convinced and said to the others, “We’re not going to eat again tonight are we.”
Over in Snake Rock, Nadine received a group hug but then told the camp that she was heading off for a quiet moment.
Colin confessed that the MP was, “Initially poleaxed when she first heard (she was picked for the trial). I think she suspected deep down that her profession makes her a target but she went away and had a bit of a deep break session.”
Eric added, “If she gets beat today it doesn’t matter we’re a team. She’ll try her best she’s a strong woman.”
As the trial loomed, the camp led by Nadine sung ‘I see you baby shaking that ass.’ To help get her into good spirits before she headed off. She then rubbed Colin’s ‘lucky belly’ before she goes.
Before the trial Nadine admitted to feeling nervous. She said, “I’m feeling quite nervous because we haven’t eaten for two days and so eating tonight depends on whether I win this challenge and everyone is so hungry. I do need to win it because people want to eat. I just want to get it over and done with.”
Whilst Helen was in fighting spirit and was hoping she could make her fellow celebrities “proud of her” and prove that she has “done her bit”. She said,” I am determined to do better than yesterday. I do give 100%. I am tough in different way. I’m ready for battle.” However she was spooked by a fly which had flown near her face.
Helen and Nadine arrived at their second trial and were greeted by hosts Ant & Dec who said that it was the first time in I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here! history that neither camp got to eat the previous night.
The pair were served five Bush Tucker Trial dishes. During this trial a music box was played five timed signalling the arrival of a meal. The box would play well know nursery rhymes but with a garish twist.
They could pass on a dish but if they did they wouldn’t be able to go back to it. Each dish was worth one meal but only the winner would take meals back to camp.
Nadine admitted that she wasn’t surprised at being picked for her second trial. She said “I was kind of expecting it because I’m an MP and everyone hates an MP.
The first course was called Little Miss Muffet and contained a baked spider. Helen squealed and said “It’s not a small spider, its massive I don’t like spiders. After trying a small bit Helen decided to pass but Nadine managed to complete the first course.
The second course was Eeny Meeny Moe and contained a camel’s toe. Nadine decided took the plunge. It proved tough and she struggled to swallow the jungle delight but after encouragement from Helen she completes the second course. Helen attempted the dish but spat it out and lost another point.
The third was Humpty Dumpty and featured a fermented duck egg. Trailing behind Nadine, Helen decided to give it a go. She complained it was disgusting and almost failed the challenge but she managed to swallow the whole egg and won her first point. Nadine failed the task and lost a point for her team.
The fourth was Hot Cross Bums and was an ostrich anus. Both girls attempt the challenge. Each found it tough and gagged throughout, but each gave constant encouragement to the other and both won a point.
The final dish was Baa Baa Black Sheep - bush oysters also known as lamb’s testicles. Helen was told that she would have to complete this one and hope that Nadine fails to make it a draw. Helen completes the meal as does Nadine. Nadine won the task and four meals for camp.
After the trial a jubilant Nadine said, “I actually feel a bit sick now, but I’m really glad I did it. When I sat down and saw that massive spider with hairy legs on the plate I didn’t think I was going to be able to do it. The thought went through my head ‘oh we’re not going to eat any tonight.’ But I thought to myself ‘yeah you can do this. I did it.’”
She continued, “Camp will be absolutely thrilled that we’re going to eat tonight and we’ve got a meal. They’ll be very excited and it will give everybody a morale boost that I’ve gone back with dinner tonight.”
On beating Helen, Nadine confessed to not feeling sorry that Croc Creek will go without food, she said, “I don’t feel sorry for Helen’s camp going hungry anymore. They spent a night in a luxury villa.”
As Snake Rock eagerly awaited Nadine’s arrival back in camp, Hugo said, “I fear if she does one more tomorrow it will finish her off. She won’t walk she’s stronger than that.”
Colin then joked, “I could eat a koala’s buttocks at the moment.
Nadine headed into camp to tell them the good news. She said, “I got us four meals. I said I’ll give mine to the others but Dec said ‘there’s plenty to go around.’ It was an eating trial. The only one I failed on was this black egg. I tried it, I got it in my mouth and I just vomited it. I had no control over it.”
As her camp mates listened to the details of her trial, she continued, “I never thought I was going to do it. The first meal that came out was a spider. Then came ostrich anus and we had to eat and ostrich anus each. That was gross. I feel sick as a dog.”
She continued, “Poor Helen, bless her. If they keep choosing her I’m mentally stronger that she is and so in a challenge I know I’m going to beat her.”
Colin then said, “I think you’ll be off the hook now.”
But Nadine disagreed, “I hope so.”
Even though she lost the trial, Helen admits to being thrilled with how she did and that this has given her a much needed confidence boost.
She said, “I’m so happy I know I didn’t win. I’m so proud of myself. I’ve never been so proud of myself. I can’t believe I ate those things. I’m on top of the world. I know I lost by one point. It’s kind of boosted my confidence that I can do things. I feel really happy that I got what I got.”
As she headed back into camp Helen told her camp mates, “I didn’t win but I think you’ll be proud of me but I did really well. I’m really sorry I didn’t win.”
She then told them about her trial, “You’re not annoyed I lost are you? I really, really tried. It was an eating trial. The first one, you know what I’m like, was a massive spider to eat. It was dead. It really freaked me out. There was a fermented egg, she (Nadine) passed on that one and I ate it. I ate all the egg.”
Her team mates all rallied around her congratulating her on her efforts on the trial.
Helen later confessed, “It was disgusting but think that was the most I’ve ate since I’ve been here. I don’t want to be put up again tomorrow. I’m hoping the public will be a bit kind.”
Life in the jungle effects different people in different ways. No more so than darts player Eric Bristow who’s bitchy side seemed to have come out.
The incident stemmed from a conversation that he and Hugo were having about Scotland during which Hugo reminisced about a trip that he had to Loch Ness with some friends and mentioned that they ate three huge meals a day. Colin asked if they had cooked for themselves. “No we were very lucky. We hired a chef” replied Hugo.
Eric just starred – and later said in the Bush Telegraph “It was the way it rolled off his tongue ‘no we had a chef’. He’s in another world isn’t he. Brilliant.”
Later Eric relayed the conversation to Nadine. “That was a cracker. Did you hear when he was on about when they went to a big house, eight of them in Scotland”
Nadine replied “No, this is going to be a gem is it?” Eric explained and repeated the story. “I didn’t say nothing to him because I’ll only lose my rag and tell him the truth.”
Eric continued “Of course he didn’t pay for it. Daddy paid for it. He’s daddy’s boy. Daddy’s got loads of money.”
And Nadine explained to Ashley what Eric meant when he said F.O.S in that it stood for Full OF Sh*t.
Ashley said “I can’t imagine, that must be nice.”
And Eric continued “They live a different lifestyle. That’s the way he’s been brought up. He doesn’t know any better. He doesn’t realise that people around him don’t want to listen to all that. I had pheasant for breakfast. Who gives a sh*t.”
Later Nadine said in the Bush Telegraph “I would say one of the most difficult things for me about being in the camp is having to interact with Hugo every day. But one of the things I’m proud of is that I’ve done it and managed to achieve that because sometimes some of the things Hugo comes out with you just want to give him a smack.”
Hugo and David met once again for the Dingo Dollar Challenge. Dismayed to see his former opponent, Hugo said “Great. Another physical challenge and it’s you.” “My heart sank a little bit” he confessed later.
Hugo read the instructions for the challenge which was called Shaping Up. “High in the trees; The Dingo Dollars wait; For one brave climber to claim the prize at stake; Find the right shaped pegs to go in the wall; For it’s a race to the top, so be careful not to fall.”
The two had to find pegs which fitted in a jigsaw fashion into holes on wall. They then had to scale the wall using the pegs as footing and grips to reach the dingo dollars at the top. The winner was the first celebrity to the top, and they would have the chance to win a treat for their camp.
David said “I’ve got to make sure I get up there and get those dingo dollars baby. I think Hugo wants to win this challenge and I’m sure he’ll go hell for leather.”
Before leaving, Eric had piled the pressure onto Hugo. “I’m not putting any pressure on you but the only two things we’ve won in here have been won by women. It’s time for the boys” he said.
Meanwhile in Croc Creek, David tutored his camp mates about himself, his career and his history, in preparation for another victory.
The two celebrities each took a different approach to the challenge. Hugo hurriedly tried to match the peg to the hole where as David took a bit more time to study each peg and hole to solve the challenge. He said “It’s like a puzzle. You can’t do a puzzle frantically trying to rush it. You have to look at the piece and get the pieces out and strategically work your way through it.
David completed the challenge before Hugo, triumphantly scaling the wall and ringing the bell to release his bag of dingo dollars. Hugo said “For me the game was won and lost when I put the wrong peg in the wrong hole.” He added “After that David was racing miles ahead because the one that was meant to be two above was the one I had in the one two below.”
Despite tutoring his team in all matters about his career and professional life, Croc Creek managed to answer the dingo dollar question incorrectly.
On offer in the Outback Shack were a bowl of crisps or toilet seat covers and air freshener. David opted for the former as his camp mates were asked how old David was when he turned professional. They incorrectly answered 18 (the correct answer was 22) and so David headed back to camp empty handed.
Ever the hero, David didn’t mention the crisps to his camp mates, instead opting to tell them that the choices had been toilet seat covers or air freshener. “I didn’t tell them there was crisps available because that would hurt the morale of the team” he explained later.
Hugo’s loss upset him as he cried in frustration. “I can’t believe I’m crying over something so stupid. The smallest thing in here can completely set you off. It’s astonishing.”
He explained to his camp mates, “It made me feel so demoralised and afterwards I just started crying. I was just like. It’s completely ridiculous. I was acting like such a wimp. You’ve just got this huge wall and David Haye yet again.”
Four days in the jungle with limited bathing facilities were beginning to catch up on the campers. Helen was concerned about how she smelt. “I’m actually quite disturbed. I’ve never smelt like this in my life. What the hell has happened to me? I’m making myself sick.
David said “”I’ve only noticed today about Helen’s swiffy pits. It made me have a sneaky whiff of my own. It wasn’t smelling the sweetest. We’re all in the same boat with stinky arm pits.
Later, Helen and Charlie talked. “Charlie I really do smell. Like under my arms. Tell me honestly though because we’re friends.
Charlie agreed. “Yes a bot. Brian’s kicking up as well. He stinks.”
Brian had seen David taking a bath in the jungle pool. Displaying his boxer’s physique, David’s body had quiet an effect on Brian. “He’s 100% pure beef and British” said Brian later.
“I don’t want to take my shirt off in front of David Haye because I’m embarrassed. His boobs are bigger than Helen’s. Look at the size of them. Look at the guns, pecs. He looks a million dollars. I’m a married man and I’m letching over him. I’m a married man with kids but I have to say . . . I would” he joked.
You don’t get a body like that by sitting by the telly” he said to Linda.
The camp mates seemed to be letting their lack of food go to their heads with grub becoming an obsession. Both camps talked longingly about what food they craved. Colin said that he would pay 100 pounds for a full English breakfast, whereas Helen craved crisps and chocolate and Brian digestive biscuits and cheese. In Croc Creek, the conversation went one step further with the camp mates saying that they would pay 500 pounds for a packet of biscuits. Linda admitted that she’d pay 1000 pounds.
David said later “Paying 500 pounds is ridiculous for a 1 pound pack of biscuits but it would be a treat and it would be 500 pounds well spent. There’s been nights I’ve gone out and spent 5 or 600 pounds on a meal for mates and had it, it’s been OK bit I wouldn’t get the satisfaction I’d get for having five or six chocolate biscuits right now.
Charlie said “All of us keep talking about food a lot and fantasising about food a lot so to have something other than rice and beans would be amazing.”
And Colin said “I could eat a koala’s buttocks at the moment. Dr Bob said after eight days your stomach attacks your fat. Eight days? What’s it doing now? Get on with it!”
Brian Conley admitted that he has been sneakily chewing gum. The entertainer confessed in the Bush Telegraph that he received a small bit of gum from David Haye who had stumbled across a few sticks in his shorts pocket.
Brian said, “I must confess I do have a bit of chewing gum in my mouth. David, he had, he didn’t smuggle it in he had in his shorts three bits of chewing gum which he didn’t keep to himself.”
His other camp mates were not impressed which his constant chewing. Charlie confessed, “Brian is chewing an awful bit of gum that’s got fluff and hair on it. Bits of sand, dirt. It’s absolutely disgusting. He’s finding some comfort in it.”
Brian told his fellow celebrities that he had confessed and then revealed, “(I) couldn’t throw it away so I put it in my pocket. I found it this morning.”
In the Bush Telegraph Brian refused to give up the gum and added, “That’s how lovely it is here. A bit of dirty chewing gum makes your day.”
Croc Creek and Snake Rock will join forces today and so viewers will see them all together for the first time in Tuesday night’s show (UK time). Viewers will vote for one celebrity to undertake the Bush Tucker Trial.
The two camps were given news that the following morning, Snake Rock would join Croc Creek. Rather than being pleased both teams were not looking forward to the merge.
In Croc Creek, boxer David Haye was quick to express his dislike at the prospect and the others quickly joined in.
David said, “I really don’t want them to come here. I’m happy with my little group. I don’t know these people, I don’t want to know these people and I’ve got no interest in these people. I love my team here. They are imposters.”
Helen added, “It’s weird, we’re like a family.” whilst Linda admitted to not liking change.
Concerned at how cramped their camp would become David suggested they make rules, which the other celebrities would have to abide by.
He said, “We can’t get ten people round here at the moment, so where are we going to sit. Maybe we should write down our rules. This is Croc Creek and these are Croc Creek rules. We get priority with the toilet!”
They later all went to the Bush Telegraph to talk about their thoughts on the merge.
The celebrities in Snake Rock were not looking forward to the prospect of moving either.
Nadine said, “We’re not second class celebrities, we’re not sleeping under anybody else's hammocks.”
She continued, “We could always rebel. Something I know about rebelling. We can always rebel. I’m an expert at rebelling.”
Hugo added, “Why do we have to be incorporated into theirs? I don’t want to turn up there like a bunch of refuges and they’re going to be like ‘oh you have got to start living by our rules.’”
But Eric added, “Not going happen pal. We don’t have to go by anyone’s rules.”
I'm A Celebrity takes a break tonight, but will be back on Thursday on ITV1.