BTT ‘Celebrity Cyclone’
Celebrities were told that they would all be participating in the Bush Tucker Trial ‘Celebrity Cyclone’. After watching previous series of the show they had a fair idea of what they were in for. Dougie asked Antony: “So you think this is a bit strenuous?” Antony replied” “Yeah its jungle typhoon!” Mark relieved said: “So glad it’s not bugs and stuff”.
Fatima prepared herself mentally for the challenge by singing to herself ‘Eye of the Tiger’. They all then got changed into their superhero costumes and headed off to infinity and beyond across the bridge to face the challenge.
The final four celebrities all took part in the trial ‘Celebrity Cyclone’. Ant and Dec explained there were four stars up for grabs and they had to battle the elements to try and win them for their meals in camp. The aim of the game was to get one star on each of the markers on the course. They would need to have them there in place at the end of the time allocated which was ten minutes. Each celebrity would take turns with the pile of stars and pass the stars up the course to each other as it got harder.
When they discussed who would take on what role Antony joked: “I should do the most fitness”. They all laughed to which Fatima noted: “I have the most energy and speed” and agreed to take the final and hardest star position. Mark then chose to be third, Dougie second and Antony was to be first with the easiest star. Fatima roaring and ready took the lead and cheered: “Alright boys let’s go!”
The game began with water being sprayed from giant hoses and a fireball, Mark shrieked: “Oh my god what is going on!” Antony started the game on the buzzer and struggled with getting the pile of four stars onto the first marker as he battled wind, gym balls and water being thrown at him.
It was Dougie’s turn next as he met Antony and grabbed the stars and fought hard to reach the next marker. Dougie battled the elements and laughed with a little cheeky helping hand up the backside from Antony as he managed to push on and reach his star.
Mark in his superhero pretty in pink outfit leapt out onto the tarmac but slipped trying to grab the stars from Dougie. His mighty strength was obvious as he succeeded in getting the stars but not before being clobbered in the face by a gym ball.
With only four minutes to go Fatima showed her mighty strength although slipping and sliding through the cyclone and a big fireball, she lost her star. Having to go back to the start Fatima battled the strong water and winds and crawled to the top only to be pelted by a mass flood and all of them losing their places.
With only two minutes left the celebrities worked hard to regain their places with Fatima the last to take the final star. Fatima powered through the elements and got to her marker with only one minute left. Mark and Dougie hugged and cried: “yes…we did it!” Fatima triumphant put her muscled pumps in the air: “Can you believe that?” To which Antony excitedly shrieked: “Oh I loved it!” And Mark proud smiled: “That was one of the best things I have ever done…amazing”.
Celebrities headed back into camp after the Bush Tucker trial triumphant and happy with their four star win. Upon entering camp they noticed the fire had gone out and Mark found a leech on his underwear and shrieked: “Oh my god it’s a leech” to which Antony replied: “Keep an eye on it”. Before long Mark had pulled down his pants and given the critter a big flick.
Fatima pleased with herself over their win said: “What a triumphant day that was. Four stars, I can’t wait to get our meal tonight, I wonder what sort of meal we'll have?”
Tower Of Treats Game
Celebrities took part in a game of ‘Tower for Treats’ to win treats for camp. The object of the game was to lift blocks with treat words written on them from the tower and place them successfully in front of them without the tower collapsing. Once successful, celebrities would pin the treats labels on a chalk board but if the tower was to fall then the game would be over. Antony cleverly suggested: “Come on Dougie, let's work out a strategy, first one should be herbs”.
Celebrities played the game with great patience and by the end had successfully won nine treats for camp including tea, pepper, chips, bread, butter, cheese, milk, ice-cream and herbs. When Antony pulled out a block containing bread he cried “My boy never fails!!” while a frustrated Mark said: “Just give me one minute, don’t say nothing” to which the tower finally fell. Antony supported Mark: “Never mind we have chips!”