Treason - Towel-Gate
Dougie and Antony had successfully hidden the camp-mates towels on the roof of the Bush Telegraph whilst the camp-mates were sleeping.
Fatima and Willie were the first to realise their towels were missing.
“All the towels have disappeared overnight, we have no towels in the place” said a confused Willie.
Dougie sneaked into the Bush Telegraph, “I left them like that (on Bush Telegraph roof) so they would see, dumb asses” laughed Dougie.
Jess had been sleeping on one towel so the camp-mates used this to wash down at the creek.
Talk then turned to SAS Gorillas coming into camp and taking them whilst they slept. “They’re trained to be very quiet those SAS people” speculated Willie.
“I think they’re all thick as a brick” said Antony.
Emily soon discovers the towels and tells camp, she brings them all back to camp with Crissy and Willie.
Willie and Crissy were called into the Bush Telegraph and told that they had two traitors in their camp and they must guess who they are.
Antony and Dougie sneak into the Bush Telegraph to gloat at the success of their secret mission, “Meanwhile little old me and Dougie got away with it”, they both laughed
Traitors In Camp
Dougie whispers to Antony to follow him into the Bush Telegraph, whilst there they are they are given the final ‘Traitor’ task.
They have to put the camp fire out and hide luxury items and each time they must put the finger of suspicion on someone else.
Dougie and Antony go to the camp fire and empty the water kettle on the fire to put it out, Dougie burns his hand whilst doing so.
Willie later sees the fire has nearly gone out, Antony looks and says “It’s Fatima, she put too much water in the kettle and the water boiled over” Antony yells over at Fatima and tells her this, she apologises.
Dougie then announces to camp that someone has stolen his headband, Willie suggests it might be Mark, “He could be playing a game with you?”, Dougie looks at Willie and then Antony, “Yeah, maybe”
Emily The Traitor?
The camp are discussing the various personal items that have gone missing, Dougie asks everyone to check under their hammocks.
Emily looks in her bag and finds all the stolen stuff, “Hey guys, everyone’s stuff is in my bag, headband, gel, etc, who is doing this?”
“That’s out of order” declared Fatima.
Mark’s convinced it’s Dougie and he’s playing a game, the camp-mates defend Dougie and say he wouldn’t do that.
“Why would Dougie do it, it doesn’t make sense” says Antony defending his fellow traitor
“I know it’s the second thing that looks like me but I promise it’s not” said a worried Emily.
The camp-mates look at her and start to wonder if she’s guilty.
They soon realise that Crissy’s pillow is still missing, they look around for it.
“First the crown, then the towels and now luxury items” says a confused Willie. “Tomorrow, you’ll go missing” smiles Dougie.
Dougie asks Mark if it was him again, “It’s ridiculous to even blame me when I’ve been away doing the chest”.
Prince And Princess Are Told They Have Traitors In Camp
Willie and Crissy were called into the Bush Telegraph and told that they had two traitors in their camp and they must guess who they are.
If they guess correctly, the traitors will be punished, if they guess incorrectly they will be punished.
“I bet one of them is Fats, she’s too cool and wouldn’t break” said Crissy immediately. “If it was Dougie I’d be shocked”.
“I’m confused” said Willie. They go through the various people and discuss what’s happened in camp the past few days.
“I think it’s Emily” said Willie, “You pick one also”. Crissy reckons it was Fatima.
A side door mysteriously opens, “We’re wrong aren’t we? Oh god, we’re gonna be kidnapped” said Crissy.
They’re walked to a deep dungeon and told they must spend the night inside, if they do, the camp will be rewarded at breakfast.
“No way, I’m not going in there, it’s pitch black dark, I’m claustrophobic, snakes, rats, cockroaches, I can’t do it” said Crissy looking worried.
Crissy eventually enters the dungeon to join Willie
“No fags, no water and I’ve got a t-shirt on” declared Crissy. They start discussing what creepy crawlies might be in the dungeon with them.
“My nerves won’t stand it in here with half of Noah’s Ark crawling all over me….but I’m not going without you, we’re in this together” says Crissy.
A long night awaits the Prince and Princess of Camp, especially as Crissy can’t sleep due to her fear that something will go bump in the night!
During the night they might just find the odd surprise to keep them company…
Tagged in I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here