Antony Cotton
Just stick it in a croc pot...I will not be defeated by a fucking crocodile's tail
Chrissie’s Upset At Camp’s ‘Ageism’
Chrissie hit out at her fellow celebrities calling them ageist and saying they had not treated her like a team member over the Beat the Bugs game.
“I’ve not been treated like a team mate so I’ve played like one all day. All the encouragement went to Emily and not to me and I couldn’t be arsed with it. In the end I was lying on the hammock and I thought I’d lose it. There’s a lot of ageism in there, they are like ‘they won’t do this because they are old and thick and weak. Well the tortoise and the hare! They underestimated me, I was playing for the team even though I don’t feel part of the team.
“Seeing them get glooped was like ‘serves you right for being cocksure of yourselves, they had acted like they’d already won.”
Mark tried to make amends. “I’m upset and worried, me and you have been close since the start but I know you are upset. I love you to bits and I don’t like to see you down. You are not being left out. “
Chrissie replied: “I felt a wedge between the team and I get on with everyone but I hated people thinking I’m too old.”
Antony’s Strop Over The Croc Pot
Celebrities were disappointed when they received a dinner of crocodile tail. Antony whinged how long it would take to cook and moaned: “Just stick it in a croc pot...I will not be defeated by a fucking crocodile's tail” He added: “now we have 12 depressed people in here what is entertaining about that?”
Antony defended himself to Fatima who accused him of taking out his frustrations on the others: “I don’t need to be told if it is wasted energy or not. I don’t find it wasted energy… I like to get it off my chest, I am pissed off!! I am very funny about food”. To which Fatima replied: “And you’re off -loading it onto all of us, and that is pissing us off”.
Antony got more frustrated while cooking when he accidentally tipped ash & water into the stir-fry, he screamed: “Ohhh the water's just gone in all the food... all over the food... there's ash... ash has all gone in the food”.
Celebrities tried to calm him down with Sinitta reassuring him: “You know pregnant woman eat ash”. Stefanie bizarrely complimented his efforts: “You've done a wonderful thing, Antony, you've just made a silk purse out of a sow's ear”.
Stroppy Stefanie
Stefanie was in a cranky mood in the jungle and had a minor meltdown over the fact the sun cream was not the tinted variety.
“People will call up the show and say there is a dead person on the programme, it has white zinc oxide in the cream and it makes me look like a cadaver, I need one with a tint, it looks like I’m dead. I really need to have some help here, the more I wipe it, the whiter it gets. “
She then stormed into the Bush Telegraph and demanded a scarf and said being on the show was no longer fun.
“I’d like a scarf, every time I put something out to dry it disappears, I need a scarf! It was lying on a tree and now it’s not there, now I’m getting pissed off my temper is getting to a point where this is not fun anymore. This is a f***ing TV show! Let’s just get this straight! Jesus Christ! We smell, we’re tired, we’re cranky and we’re bored.”
She also complained about Emily not knowing where Chile is. When Emily said that geography wasn’t her strong point, Stef said: “Your generation! I don’t know if it was your parents or the educational system but no-one taught you this stuff. Well now you have to catch up – you really do!”
Tagged in I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here