Team Tactics
Conversation in both teams soon turned to the next ‘Beat the Bugs’ game and how they planned to win. Emily was really keen her team did not enter the SIN BIN, she said “This day is so important, we can’t end up in that sin bin”.
Crissy, Mark, Dougie and Pat were all sat together discussing their strategies, “I like quizzes, I go to Quiz nights” smile Crissy. “If we get questions, I ain’t gonna do anything knowledgeable” declared Mark.
“We have youth and strength in this team so we have the upper hand but general knowledge could mean we’re in trouble as the other team will have more experience” said Mark.
I said say it out loud and you’ll remember them, our strategy worked and we won
“I wouldn’t say Mark is dumb but he’s not the most educated chap in the world, he’ll be the first to admit that and his strength would be his torso and arms” said Pat in the Bush Telegraph.
“Didn’t the capital of England used to be Colchester” asked Dougie? “No” said Mark, “It was Birmingham”. Pat looks confused at the both of them; “Birmingham?” he asked.
Mark says again that it was definitely Birmingham, Dougie looks at him and said I still think its Colchester. Later in the Bush Telegraph, Pat’s talking about Dougie and his Colchester comment; “He’s been in a pop band since he was 15 years old, so hasn’t been highly educated I would think”.
In the other team, Stefanie is plotting her own strategy for the team; “We need to establish each other’s strongest skills in general knowledge”, “It’s important we get out” (referring to SIN BIN)
Beat The Bugs
On to the quiz and Beat the Bugs host Ian Smith (aka Harold from Neighbours) returned for day two of the competition with a game called ‘Headspin’
A worried Lorraine said “If it’s memory then that’s not good for me”. The two teams were asked to pick 2 members each to take part, Mark & jess were picked from their team and a bossy Stefanie immediately volunteered herself and Lorraine (much to Lorraine’s surprise)
The object of the game was to remember various objects as they went past on an escalator whilst various critters were dropped on their heads.
Mark/Jess and Stefanie/Lorraine discussed strategy and how best to win. “I don’t have a very good memory” a worried Lorraine told Stefanie. “I don’t want to hear that” snapped Stefanie.
The game started with various objects moving along the escalator that included, VCR machine, cocktail shaker, roller blades, pots and pans etc.
Mark/Jess remembered the most objects and won another night in main camp for their team. “That was a bit how’s your father” said Lorraine afterwards.
“I said say it out loud and you’ll remember them, our strategy worked and we won” said a delighted Mark.
The orange team were gutted and returned to the SIN BIN for another night.
3 Man Bungle
Meanwhile Jess and Emily get called to the Bush Telegraph to collect their camps reward for winning ‘Beat the Bugs’, which left Crissy, Mark, Pat and Dougie all alone in camp.
Mark was bored so decided to liven things up, “While we’re all waiting let’s have a 3 man bungle”. Mark and Dougie rush towards Pat who is lying face down in his hammock, “Not in my bed”. Mark jumps on top of Pat and then Dougie jumps on top of Mark.
They both started to tickle Pat and lick his ear, Crissy sat on the side, “You can count me out”.
Jess and Emily then come back with ice cream treats much to the delight of the camp.
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