

Two new campmates made their way into the jungle.  DJ Pat Sharpe and popstar Sinitta were told they could either take a hard or easy journey into the camp.  If they took the hard option, they would make jungle life easier for the other campmates.  They took this option and were helicoptered into the Australian rainforest.

It was amazing. Not like flying but surreal. I wanted it to last a bit longer. I’d rather keep travelling to the jungle rather than get there

They had to trek through the bush until they found a highwire above a ravine.  Pat explained “When we arrived at the highwire we saw only one harness and I’m going to give that to Sinitta because she’s hurt her ankle so I’m going to pull her across closely followed by myself afterwards.”

Sinitta was strapped into the harness and as she clung to a rope, Pat winched her across the 100 foot deep ravine.  Exhausted, Pat then had to high wire walk himself across the same ravine.

Sinitta seemed to have a lovely experience.  “It was amazing.  Not like flying but surreal.  I wanted it to last a bit longer.  I’d rather keep travelling to the jungle rather than get there” she said afterwards.  And later added “Secretly I was worrying I didn’t know how I’m going to do this.”

Pat had more of a tricky time.  “It was very hard.  Really hard.  Much harder than I thought.  The harness doesn’t really help.  I’m glad I did it in one go.  I’m looking forward to a good night’s sleep.  Dinner and bed.  It’ll just be like being at home.”
Little did he know . . .

Scary Cave
But after their arrival the next part of the newcomer’s entry to camp involved an overnight stay at the cockroach cave.   Both Sinitta and Pat were told that they had to sleep on groundsheets on the cave floor in order to win the luxury items for their future campmates.  If one of them didn’t last the night, they would forfeit the luxury items for the camp they would end up in.  After much debate, Pat persuaded Sinitta to sleep in the cave.  They reluctantly lay on the sheets and went to sleep.  Soon afterwards, Pat woke up as he noticed they weren’t alone.  He woke Sinitta and they were horrified to see that they were sharing their jungle home with 6000 cockroaches.  And there was more to come . . .

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