Freddie Starr
We need to win. We need to win for our morale. We got badly beaten so we have to come back with a punch
Morning Has Broken
It was the first day in the camp and the celebrities were getting used to living under the stars. The campmates of Croc Creek discovered the jungle shower which has had an alteration since last year’s series. Producers have installed a unique power shower - although one with a difference. A bicycle has been installed which means that another celebrity has to pedal hard to get a flow of water through the shower head. Antony and Mark took it in turns to pedal for each other as the other washes. And later Mark preened his hair whilst Fatima collected wood for camp.
Lorraine lost a boot overnight and Crissy joked she’d lost weight as she could feel her ribs and then realised that it was her mic pack. Meanwhile at Snake Rock, Stefanie and Willie washed their smalls!
Freddie Settled Into Camp Life
Latecomer Freddie Starr has already made an impression on his fellow campmates in Snake Rock. He chatted to Jessica-Jane and Dougie about his time in Germany with The Beatles. “We used to have fun in Hamburg with The Beatles. I was staying with John Lennon. John used to love me. He used to say ‘Freddie you’re a rebel’.” He claimed that “Ringo used to play in my band. He played a top ten club down in London. We used to get up to all sorts of tricks.”
McFly bassist Dougie was impressed saying “Freddie’s been telling us lots of stories about how he used to hang out with The Beatles.
And Jessica-Jane added “I really like Freddie. I really like him a lot. I’ve got a lot of time for him.”
Food Poker
The celebrities had to compete in a game to win food for their second night in Snake Rock and Croc Creek. Willie played for Snake Rock and Lorraine for Croc Creek. After losing the previous day’s Bushtucker Trial, Willie explained “We need to win. We need to win for our morale. We got badly beaten so we have to come back with a punch.”
They both had to play Food Poker – seated opposite each other they had to pick numbered boxes. In each box was a jungle delicacy and their rival had to correctly guess if it was ‘nice’ or ‘nasty’. The first celebrity to score five points would win dinner for camp.
Lorraine had to eat garlic, jelly and wasabi; Willie had to eat cat food, cheese and strawberry jam. But Willie won and returned to Snake Rock triumphant.
The elated campmates excitedly awaited their dinner as it was hoisted into Snake Rock. On the menu was rabbit, carrots, sweet potato, potato and broad beans. “There’s nothing I can’t eat” exclaimed vegetarian Stefanie before she found a piece of tofu. “It’s awful. Tofu like that. Nobody eats it this way” she said, explaining to her campmates that she ate tofu after it had been marinated.
Willie started complaining as well, stating that usually you would have a rabbit each if you were to eat that animal. Neither Freddie nor Stefanie decided to eat dinner and as Willie tucked in, he said “the other camp’s in trouble. They’ve just got rice and beans.”
And yet, despite their meagre rations, the mood in Croc Creek remained buoyant as they tucked into their simple jungle dinner.
Did Freddie Starr Eat My Hamster?
Dougie asked Freddie about the infamous ‘Freddie Starr Ate My Hamster’ story which has become synonymous with the comedian. “I’m a bit nervous about asking him” he confessed beforehand.
But when Dougie asked if Freddie would eat a rodent now he replied “No, I couldn’t crack its skull. You couldn’t eat a hamster. If you were to eat a hamster you’d choke. You couldn’t actually eat a hamster.”
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