Gillian McKeith
I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here Day 7 and another trial begins - guess who the public chose... Yes Gillian.
Picked once again for the Bush Tucker Trial, the rest of the camp mates rallied around her. Alison commented that its “getting boring now” whilst Dom told a tearful Gillian, “because you scream and they love it.”
Lembit tried to help Gillian, who was being comforted by Jenny, by encouraging her to hold an ant in her hand. Refusing to do that, she was finally talked into letting it crawl on her hand.
Lembit then said, “It’s the first time in her life she’s voluntarily exposed herself to direct contact with an ant. It sounds like a small thing but it is monumentally important.”
Lembit and Sheryl walk Gillian to the bridge, on the way Linford said: “You’re Scottish aren’t you? You’re the toughest people in the British Isles, the Scots.”
Crossing the bridge, Gillian saw a spider and chose to crawl part of the way.
Ahead of the Trial she said, “Today in particular I feel quite low. I’m not very hopeful, I can’t have anything falling on my head. I will pass out. I’m not going to risk that. I’m going in to hear what Ant & Dec have to say and I haven’t made any decisions if I’m going to do it or not.”
No Digging For Gillian
Selected again by the viewers for another Bush Tucker Trial, nutritionist Gillian opted to not complete the challenge - the first time ever this has ever happened On I’m A Celebrity . . . Get Me Out Of Here!
Arriving at the trial, she admitted to Ant & Dec that she felt she was ‘Facing my fear” But that she felt “Deflated.” But asked the viewers, “I would like it to stop, do not vote for me.”
The Trial was called Dreaded Digger. In the ground there were seven half buried stars. Each of the stars had a number indicating how many meals for camp they are worth. Using the magnet on the end of digger, she had to pick up the stars and manoeuvre them into the skip. Working against the clock, as she would also face jungle critters including cockroaches and green ants.
Ant and Dec asked if she thought she would give the trial a go and she said, “I don’t know, if something lands on me I won’t be able to drive it. It’s impossible.”
She was asked if she would go in to the digger to get the demonstration on the controls and she replied, “Let me try and I’ll make a decision.”
During the demonstration Gillian tested the various controls and guided on how each button worked but after a few moments, she said, “I’ve got to get out of here there’s a worm crawling. I can’t be in here. I’m getting out.”
After being encouraged, she continued with her training, picked up a star and was able to manoeuvre it over the skip. But when Medic Bob approached a tearful Gillian said, “I really can’t do this I’m sorry. That’s the worst thing for me, anything on my head.” When told she would be wearing a helmet and could shake the bugs off, she said, “I’m sorry I can’t do this today. I’m not in the right shape. I’m too tired.”
Back with Ant & Dec, she said “Its just too much having things all over my head and my body and trying to move the thing all at the same time. I feel exhausted, just mental exhaustion. I’ll come back tomorrow and try again.”
Told that she could continue to practice the controls on the digger, she said “I can’t do it I’m really sorry.”
When told she could refuse to the trial but she would go back empty handed, Gillian replied, “I’ll go back empty handed anyway because I’m not in the right state of mind.”
Prompted if it was a definite no she said, “It’s a definite no. One thing lands on me, I’m finished. It’s a waste of time.”
On her way back to camp Gillian said, “I feel awful because I completely bottled it. I have to go back and tell them everybody I have zero stars. I felt also today all so emotionally mentally. I need a day off and then all these things are going to be toppling down on my head and I know what would have happened, I would have passed out so it was pointless.”
Gillian Faces Her Campmates
Before returning to her campmates, Gillian headed into the Bush Telegraph and admitted her fears about heading back into camp empty handed, she said “I was thinking I’ll come in here and stay in here all day, all night, go back at 10 O’clock and then kind of sneak in and nobody will notice I’m there…It’s not like we’ll starve there is beans and rice, that we know.”
She continued, “If I felt I could of handled the digger although I know on TV they’re gonna not let anyone know that I got the chance to try it. If I felt I could have actually done it I might have been able to find the something from somewhere to attempt it. I knew if I can’t get the hang of it. What’s the point?”
Found by Sheryl hanging down by the dunny, Gillian admitted she had got no stars and said, “(I) can’t stop crying I’m afraid to go back.”
Comforted by Sheryl, she explained, “What happened was I got there, there was this digger that I had to try to operate and I just couldn’t do it.”
Sheryl asked, “You couldn’t operate the digger?”
Gilian confirmed, “I couldn’t operate it.”
Sheryl questioned, “oh ok you didn’t even start…”
Gillian then explained, “I didn’t even start it because I couldn’t operate the digger. You have to be able to operate the digger to be able to start the trial. Meanwhile 13 people don’t get any food.”
Sheryl reassured her “We get beans and rice. What did I say to you before you went? They’re not going to starve. Do you want me to go and break it, then you can come back? It’s embarrassing you’re having to wait up here. Its horrible because no ones going to be bad about it. Its all done for today.”
Gillian continued, “It was kind of like a non starter because I couldn’t get the bloody thing to work. I want to stay in the dunny here, like a naughty school girl.”
Sheryl then said, “It ridiculous. I’m horrified that you feel you couldn’t come down.” She then went to tell the rest of the camp mates the news.
As she walked into camp Sheryl told the rest of the camp mates, “Just went up to the dunny and Gillian’s really upset. I can’t believe she’s not even felt she could come in here, I think that’s really bad. But all I wanted to say to you is she hasn’t got any stars.”
The camp mates encouraged Sheryl to bring her into the camp. Linford also headed down to see Gillian. When he arrived at the dunny she said “It wasn’t good I couldn’t drive the digger.” Linford said “It doesn’t matter’ and then picked her up and carried her into camp.
Sheryl continued to offer words of encouragement and said “Gillian, everyone is more than happy.”
As she entered the camp she received a round of applause from her fellow camp mates and explained what happened.
She started by saying, “When I got up there, there was a big digger.”
Dom asked, “What a proper digger like a mechanical?”
Gillian continued, “This big thing, yellow thing, massive. It had these different wheels and things it was really hard. Six different things you had to do all at once. There was this big thing you had to turn, you needed a lot of energy. It just wasn’t that easy it, didn’t move the way you would want it to really move it took forever to get it to move. Just not working. I couldn’t get a star to pick up, it would kind of over shoot the star, it was very heavy. You needed a lot of energy. It was very, very slow. At the same time what would be happening, bugs would be falling all over you so you can’t see what you’re even doing.”
When the camp mates asked further questions, Gillian explained, “No I didn’t even get to that part because I couldn’t work the digger, so nothing happened, the trial didn’t even start. There was no trial basically because I said I couldn’t do it. I can’t work the digger.”
Lembit then added, “Did you spend ten minutes trying to run the digger?”
Gillian said, “I spent ten minutes trying to learn how to work the digger, I couldn’t do the digger.”
Britt then asked “So there was no trial at all?
Gillian admitted, “I said no I’m not doing it.”
Shaun asked “You failed the trial or you cancelled the trial?”
Gillian said, “The trial was cancelled that’s the end of it. I didn’t do the trial…In the digger I realised I can’t work the digger, so I start crying. Its quite amazing TV once again. Sobbing. I felt like I was having a nervous breakdown I felt it was all just too much today wasn’t possible it was just too much.
Stacey and Allison offered words of encouragement but later Nigel and Shaun talked about Gillian’s failed trial. Nigel asked Shaun if diggers were “difficult to work?” And the musician joked, “I actually think you have to go to university for 9 years to learn it or at least four years and you need quite a lot of degrees!”
A disgruntled Shaun later said in the Bush Telegraph, Gillian basically gave up on the trial. Apparently she had to use a digger. No stars means fuck all.”
Whilst comedian Dom, said “we got nothing for dinner because Dr Gillian McKeith couldn’t operate a digger. I think it sounds like she didn’t even try the trial, do the trial, which sounds a bit disappointing. I’ve given up, whatever, she shouldn’t be here.”
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