J and John won six meals for camp after taking part in the Dreadful Drop Bushtucker Trial.In the trial the pair had to climb into a wooden crate on a high-wire over a lake containing three floating stars. Inside the crate was a hand crank which moved the crate across the wire. The pair had to guess how far along they were and then release the bottom of the crate so that they fell out into the lake.The aim was to fall through the centre of the stars. The first large star won them one meal, the second slightly smaller star would win them two meals and the third and smallest star would win them three meals.J and John would get three turns in the crate to get as many meals as possible.The first time the pair went across the lake they counted the amount of times they had turned the hand crank. As Ant and Dec asked them where they thought they were, they were exactly above the first and second star when they thought they were. But the pair continued to try to get to the third star and they were successful.In their second trip in the crate the pair managed to fall in the third star again, meaning they had six meals for camp.On their third try they were too far into the lake and didnt get any meals.