I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here - Round 2!Lynne and Janices truce was broken yet again with a row over wood for the campfire. Lynne was worried that they might run out of logs overnight and was fussing around camp. "Go get the wood," Janice told Lynn. Lynn snapped back. "All right Janice, Thats the kind of thing that makes me want to go over and tip your bed over. Fuck off!" Lynne left the camp to look for wood and shouted to Janice: "Youve been very bratty again this afternoon."Janice was clearly riled by Lynnes comments and said to J: "You and I have been on to it all day. Get off your fat ass and do it (about Lynne)." J replied: "Its not that. Theres no need to stress about getting wood for the fire. Were in a forest."Janice joked to J: "You know what women do in Papua New Guinea. They wait for other women go to sleep and then they stab them. She owes me an apology. I almost killed myself today so she can eat."J was sympathetic and said: "I think she needs to eat." But Janice replied: "She needs to diet!"Later Lynne said: "Ive got very tired and somehow Ive taken the role of the worrier, so that kind of motherly and grandmotherly mentality, which I am checking back with everybody as to what they want to do as well and respecting that."I did snap at Janice tonight which I did apologise for. Ive done more housework in the past two days than Ive done for a very long time."
"I think there is true love between me and Janice and there is a connection. She goes up and down and I go down and up. Shes an amazing woman. She did get on my nerves but I really respect her."
Chilled Out Lynne Chants Annoy Janice
Janice had a swipe at Lynne in the Bush Telegraph after Lynne encouraged her to chant.Lynne, who has been meditating on rocks and hosting a dance class, was teaching Gemma to chant when she asked Janice to be quiet.
Janice later ranted: "I dont want to chant and Lynnes out there wanting me to chant. Shes, like, telling me to be quiet so she can chant. She can keep her chanting to herself. I dont want to learn how to chant otherwise Id be chanting already."