The Snake Rock camp successfully made their way into jungle first by helicopter and then by kayak.They had to map read to locate the kayak and then make their way across a lake in order to reach their new home.As they got into the boat J warned them: "No sudden movements."Janice joked: "Its creatures of the black lagoon."She added: "My arse is wet, were hungry, theres lots of danger out here."After successfully reaching the other side of the lake Lynne praised Gemma and J but kept quiet about Janice.Janice responded: "What about me? Jesus Christ you dont like me because Im the alpha female."
A relieved Gemma added: "We did it."
The tension then broke as they all took it in turns to kiss and hug each other.
In an interview to camera J revealed: "I think the women are going to do fine. Theres a bit of a thing going on at the moment between two of the ladies I think theyve got to find their balance between themselves and each other but I think well all do well.
"In our group theres Lynne and Janice and theyre different ends of the scale. Janice is quite full on, gregarious, Lynne is a bit subdued and theres a thing going on there. I think one of them thinks the other ones telling the other one what to do. I think it will balance out eventually. Im sitting at the back and watching it. Let them sort it out amongst themselves.
In her interview to camera Gemma said: "Theres a bit of tension between Janice and Lynne - I think its because theyre both very alpha female." Janice said: "Lynne wanted to lead I was like now what if you want to start the lead thing theres going to be two alpha females. Shes a tough lady but I know about boats, I know about forests, I know about locations."