Carly talked to the Camp and asked them how they felt if they were to leave on tomorrowâs vote. Timmy asked Carly how she was feeling.
"I hate it," she replied, tearfully.
"Had enough?" he enquired. She nodded and cried. "Iâd prefer someone else to stay if I feel like this."
Brian explained: "We all have funny five minutes. I had one yesterday."
Carly said that she was "ripping her hair out" because she was so frustrated. "Iâve had enough of just living in muck."
Esther agreed: "That gets to you."
Carly continued: "The thing thatâs made me the weaker. Not weaker because Nicola makes me stronger. Say I did walk out, would Joe be disappointed or would he be what are you doing? Youâre a loser. Not nastily but babe you should hang in there."
However, David had a different take on Carlyâs tears. He said: "Hell will freeze over before she walks out of this camp because sheâs said on a couple of times sheâd like to win this. Nicola and Joe have gone to find a bush box [Celebrity Chest] but of course that leaves little Carly more or less on her own. She feels oddly enough I think a bit vulnerable. Itâs remarkable the way the ambience changes."
Later he chatted with Timmy. "Extraordinary how the dynamics change. As soon as the camp gets split countless camp dynamics change. Today Nicola goes out and Daniâs gone to bed and little Carly feels vulnerable. No gang. No clique. It happens every time."