Cerys can't believe Marc has gone in public vote
The news that Marc had been evicted from the jungle came as a surprise to his fellow campers, and one team mate in particular seemed shocked by his exit.
As he left Cerys said: I cant believe that.
Marc walked over the bridge and his team mates shouted goodbye to him.
Anna said: Marc has left a massive hole in all of us actually, in every single one of us and we were all gobsmacked is the only word I can say.
Cerys said: Bloody hell. Poor Marc. Hes just got every kind of Im just worried about why. Hell be alright there wont he?
Anna reassured her: Yeah he will be alright.
Cerys said in the Bush Telegraph: Im very shocked that Marcs gone because he was such a sweetheart. I dont really I dont know whats going on.
She added: Im really sad to see him go. We talked about a lot of things like cooking and music. I hope hes okay, and Im looking forward to seeing everybody at the wrap party. Try and make sense of this massive programme.
Back in the camp Anna asked: Why Marc out of all of us in the camp? Why Marc?
Janice replied: Let it go.
Cerys said: But his feelings might be hurt.
Janice said: Theyre not hurt. Right now, as soon as he sees his girlfriend, hes going to be happy.
But Rodney told Janice: Are you kidding me?
Janice asked: Have you been hurt? Tell me why Im off?
Anna: I just dont understand why people would not want to see him stay.
Rodney: There has to be one direct reason.
Cerys: But why did he go out and I wasnt up for it? Why?
Rodney: I dont know the answer to that specific question but why was it him and not Cerys?
Janice: Hes like a really handsome guy but every time he hugged me I had to break away because if my boyfriend saw me hugging that guy in the jungle and if I was watching my boyfriend hug you in the jungle I would cut his fuckin dick off.
Rodney replied: So whats so hard to understand from that point of view then?
Janice: See.
Cerys: Poor Marc then.
Janice added: See what Im saying? And his girlfriend is here waiting, you know, you guys are like Romeo and Juliet singing to each other, you know.
Anna defended Marc and Cerys saying: Yes but he did hug everybody.
No, he didnt hug me, Janice insisted.
Janice continued: You guys were in the hammock together do you know what I mean? People were watching that. I see nothing wrong with it. Its camaraderie in the camp but you dont see me in bed with John.
Janice later said in the Bush Telegraph: Theres a whole lot of reachy-reachy touchy-touchy that can take place in a hammock and they were in the hammock every night.
On Marcs exit Rodney said: Well its safe to say ladies that thats completely changed the dynamic of this place.
Anna agreed: Big time.
Rodney said in the Bush Telegraph: Marc and Cerys had this affinity for each other they obviously cared about each other. Maybe people read something into that.