James Hill is earning more brownie points on Celebrity Big Brother, this time telling his hot-headed friend Austin Armacost to cool down and stop getting involved in arguments in the house.

James Hill / Credit: Channel 5
Speaking to Austin quietly, James says: "As I've said before, when you speak to people sometimes you don't do it in the right way. You just need to calm the way you speak to people and show a little bit more respect."
Austin replies: "Well you have to earn respect...", before James quips: "That's the kind of attitude that I'm talking about."
Austin continues: "A lot of people in this house have earned zero respect, they've actually lost it," but James disagrees, responding: "They don't have to show you respect. You're not God, you're not the Prime Minister..."

"I'm not saying me, just show the house respect," Austin retorts, but James isn't going to let his advice go unheard.
"Yeah OK, that's fine I agree with that. But you are getting involved in a lot of business that ain't got anything to do with you. And the way you talk to people as well."
"I'm tired of people's ****," replies Austin, before James adds: "You have to do what you wanna do. I'm just saying as a mate again that's all."
Austin then thanks James, before James tells him that he has felt he's been rude to him in the past.
"Because sometimes you're like it with me as well, the way you speak to me and things you say to m me and the way you act with me. I can put up with it I don't mind and I'll tell you when I feel like that, but I don't want the people on the outside to think that of you."
Celebrity Big Brother continues tonight at 9pm on Channel 5.
Tagged in Celebrity Big Brother