The girls were told they have the power / Credit: Channel 5

Discussing the chance to save some of their fellow male housemates from the public vote this week, the females in the Big Brother Power Trip house are all in agreement about Ash not being one of the people they'll take off the block.

All of the women that is except for Helen, who was excluded from the meeting completely and has shared a close bond with Ash for the past few weeks.

After comments which include calling Jale a "maggot" and saying Danielle is the most likely to cheat on a partner so she could go after a wealthier man, the women are finally allowed their chance to get revenge and it doesn't look like they'll be backing down to anybody.

Helen complains and says she'll "explode" in highlights shown tonight in Big Brother Power Trip, when she feels her fellow women of the house are excluding her from decision making.

Catch the drama tonight at 10pm on Channel 5.

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