Sam broke down in tears after Carole teased her about fancying Liam last night. After a day of jokes and jibes about the flirty friendship between her and Liam, Sam went for a chat with Big Brother.After leaving the diary room she ran into the bedroom sobbing and had to be comforted by Brian and twin Amanda.The dizzy 19-year-old was worried about what her boyfriend would think on the outside and how the situation with her and Liam would be being portrayed on TV.In a girly chat with sister Amanda and Brian later on in the caravan she said: "If I even fancied Liam do you think I'd even talk about Rich, do you think I'd say that I have a boyfriend or even come in here with a boyfriend?"But after pouring her heart out to her sister Sam decided to try and put the incident behind her. "Do I look like I've been crying? As far as I know, no-one else thinks like that, so I'm just going to try and forget it. Right, I'm just gonna forget about it," she said

Amanda gave her a big cuddle and said: "That's a dead good attitude that, Sam."

Later in the night it was clear Sam was still angry: "If Carole says anything about it one more time I'm gonna go mad, really mad, I'm gonna scream," she told Liam

"I've gotta admit, I would kinda like to see that," replied the cheeky Geordie.

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