Jonty's Whipping Fetish

Jonty's Whipping Fetish

Jonty has invited Liam and Ziggy to a spanking party- and strangely they've accepted.The house hunks agreed to go to the party after a chat about Jonty's fetish for whips. “I’ve never not been into it. Even when I was little and spanking came on the TV, I would get a reaction,” Jonty explained to the boys.Liam was amazed as Jonty told them that one man at the whipping parties he attends leaves marks on his skin for weeks afterwards.Disturbed Ziggy promised to take Jonty out after BB to try and show him what a normal, spank-free night out was like.But Jonty insisted that he was perfectly happy to stick to his kinky sex-free antics.Finally the 36-year-old agreed to a boy's night out on the condition that Liam and Ziggy went to a spanking party with him.

After agreeing Ziggy then laughed at the thought of what the pap snaps of Jonty leaving a club with four women on his arm would look like.

We think scary Jonty would be safer left to his whipping parties than unleashed on the public.Caz Moss- Female First

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