Big Brother had the housemates in tears last night as they revealed the nominations for this week.In a cruel twist BB also let the nominees see who had put them up for eviction.Jonty, Amy and Kara-Louise were transported in the Diary Room Time Machine back to yesterday where they sat in front of a plasma screen and were then shown the nominations in full.Glamour girl Amy was upset when she saw Carole accuse her of having a game plan that included walking around half-naked and trying to have sex in the house. 'They just think I'm a slut and that that's my job,' cried Amy.Kara-Louise was inconsolable after being described as 'boring' and cried hysterically when she saw Jonty nominate her for 'looking down' on fellow housemates.Jonty took the news quite well and just sat there giggling. But later he had a cry in the bedroom and was comforted by house mummy Carole.

So this week's public victims are Jonty, Amy, Kara-Louise and the twins- who agreed to stand as one vote on Sunday.

Caz Moss- Female First

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