The girls started an all out war of the sexes last night when they plotted a huge waterfight.After waiting until the boys were tucked up in bed the girls, calling themselves Team Carole, secretly filled up cups of water and hid them around the house.Then it was time for the battle to commence so Sam and Charley soaked Gerry and Brian in the bedroom.Carole then wisely enticed the boys into the lounge where the fun and games began.Despite their careful planning the girls still managed to get defeated.Liam seemed to be fighting for the boys on his own when he managed to get all the girls in the pool without any help."I got all the girl's into the pool on my own and still made it back into my bed dry," the Geordie hunk boasted.
The only housemates not to get involved in the fun were miserable Chanelle and Nicky who stayed in bed throughout it all.
Tagged in Big Brother