It's only been a matter of days since Chiggy called it a day and already Charley is making her move.During a one on one in the garden this afternoon it was clear she fancied a bit of Ziggy loving."I'd be surprised if you went. You might be evicted, but I'd be surprised if you're out of this thing," Ziggy told her. "Maybe they do think I'm annoying and too loud," she said. "I mean you've had a big character in this House, no matter what, ******* hell, I tell you, from every aspect.""But you say that to me Charley, but then you've said I'm boring Norman. But anyone can say anything to me now," Ziggy said. "You know what it is right," she whispered, leaving her seat and sitting closer to him, "I'll tell you what it is with me. I know you've been with Chanelle, but we haven't sat and had a good conversation. And I know you're such a nice guy. But if I leave on Friday..." Just then, Chanelle came out and she didn't look impressed with the cosy chat.
"Can I talk to you in a minute?" she asked Ziggy.
"Yeah one minute," he said dismissing her completely.
"When you leave here, you're such a good looking guy, it'll be the Ziggy show," said Charley, sweet-talking him further.
"No it won't be Charley. I wasn't with Chanelle for the cameras. I genuinely wanted to see where something was going. But she was too young for me. That's all. I like a girl to be..."
"I know what kind of girl you like," said Charley. "Mature and on the level. I know exactly. You've been a good guy in this House. You've not been a player."
"It's good we've had this chat, Ziggy," she told him. "When you came into this House we all thought you were hot. Chanelle said you were not her cup of tea. I think you are hot."
Talk about making it obvious! You might want to tone it down a bit Charley.
Tagged in Big Brother