This week's nominations rocked the house when it was announced that only two housemates will face the public vote.It's an all girl head-to-head between Laura and Chanelle."The game is on," said Laura when the results were revealed.Chanelle didn't react much when he named was called but saved all her anger for later on.No suprise, it was Ziggy who got the sharp end of Chanelle's wrath in the bathroom last night."This is ridiculous," said an exasperated Ziggy, as the two of them sat in the shower. "We haven't had fun the last few days." But Chanelle was already angry, demanding to know why her bloke was moaning about Charley one minute, and talking to her the next.
"I feel she's taking over a huge part of what we're here for," said Ziggy..
"And I'm sick of it. I'm not interested," answered Chanelle.
After yet another tiff and a few tears Amanda stepped in with a girly hug.
"It was a massive shock to hear you up," she comforted. "I could have had three, you could have had four, but it doesn't mean people don't like you. You're dead funny. And if you do go, you get to mean Davina. Hello famous person."
Tagged in Big Brother