Next up to face the wrath of Big Brother was Ziggy who stands accussed of gluttony.Big Brother tested the greedy ex-boyband member's willpower by locking him in a room full of his favourite foods.The feast included king prawns, cream-filled chocolate doughnuts, black forest gateau and a whole suckling pig."To absolve you of your sin of gluttony," began Big Brother, "you must not eat any of the food provided." "It's all my favourite foods," he said, surveying the feast. "It's a good spread. You've done well."As he read the rules Ziggy seemed like he was going to cry. "Aw man, this is going to be impossible," he said. "All my favourite foods," he repeated. "Can I smell it? Can I not take this back to the other guys? Those doughnuts look the nuts!"

Other housemates watched on through the window and Ziggy hungrily circled the table.

"Try sticking your finger up the pig's nose," called Liam.

"Why would I possibly want to do that?" asked Ziggy.

"Kiss the pig with your tongue," shouted Laura.

"Go on, just one little dip with your finger," coaxed Liam.

"It looks like a nice big hole too," added Laura.

"I can't," whined Ziggy, but temptation proved hard to resist, as he soon plunged a finger into the pig's oozing eye.

"Ughhhh, that's sick. Liam go away," said Ziggy, disgusted. "In a few hours I'll be sticking my you-know-what through doughnuts."

As long as you don't eat them afterwards Zig.

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