The twins passed their telepathy test but the prize was not as sweet as they expected.Big Brother called Sam and Amanda to the diary room to break the news that they had both successfully drawn a man with a beard whilst in different rooms."Amanda drew a bearded man looking afraid,Sam drew Santa Claus, who is a bearded man," explained BB."I'm so scared!" Sam cried. "That's freaky weird!" "Amanda and Sam therefore telepathically communicated," Big Brother announced, before being drowned out by the twins' trademark screams. "I'm telepathic!" Sam yelled. "We're psychopathic!" Amanda shrieked.

This meant they had won the prize of a birthday party in the vestibule with two guest of their choice. Liam and Nicky were the lucky pair.

But spirits were soon shot down as they realised the vestibule was filled with culinary delights including sweaty cheese-flavoured sweets, fish-flavoured milkshakes, and corned beef filled birthday cake.

"Errgh, it doesn't taste nice!" Sam gagged. "Is it slop?"

"It's all horrible!" Liam moaned. "W******!"

"It's not proper food!" Nicky yelled.

Big Brother really is being cruel this week!

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