Wow! The inmates in the House sure are having an exciting day that's for definite!Big Brother confirms the highlights: At about 9.30am everybody got out of their sleeping pits and went outdoors/munched some breakfast.Mid-morning: nothing riveting. Just after 1pm: Shilpa created a pasta dish for everybody. Yum - spinach and garlic. Everybody thought it was lovely. Aww! About two-ish: A few of the housemates went outside into the garden - they weren't very talkactive. 3.09pm: Dirk's having a kip. Jo's in bed. Jermaine isn't chatting to anybody. Cleo's not either. Jack seems bored. Shilpa utters a sentence every now and then to Ian. He does the same. Danielle's making a brew.Wow - just seven days ago, they couldn't stop gabbing? Well maybe this is the quiet before the storm - Big Brother will have something up his sleeve.

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