Cleo and Jo have been gossiping about the boys earlier. Laughing together in Nowhere, the duo decided to have a lengthy morning conversation about the opposite sex.Cleo offered Jo words of advice as an older lady as she gave her views on the four remaining blokes. Strangely, they didn't really slag anybody off either.. well ok appart from Dirk!Jermaine received total praise as Ms Rocos called him an "all-round funny good guy." She loves him! Ian encouraged the more maternal side of the actress to come out. Jo found this highly amusing. "I could take him home and make him cosy and give him something to play with," Cleo confessed. "I'm sure he can amuse himself," remarked the former S Clubber. But the 44 year old seemed like she was preparing to spit on a tissue to rub Ian's cheek. "I want to make sure he eats well. I get the feeling he just goes out and buys fudge cake." Awww. Jack was up next for study. Cleo also has a soft spot for this young lad. "He's such a good guy, a real man," she beamed. "I know he's only 19 but he's a proper, balanced man. I love the way he just thinks. The way he's fair. If he gets cross it's cos there's a reason to be cross. He's quiet. He's got a handsome personality. And he's a very good-looking boy. He's young but I can't see him being young - I've not heard him say one silly thing." That only left Mr Benedict to talk about... Cleo just simply couldn't bring herself to say nice things about him - well she did manage three out of four."Am I the only one who feels like this about him?" questioned Cleo.

"Oh no, I'm really horrible to him," pointed out Jo.

"I just don't know if I can manage horrible. I might go from this to.. stabbing!" Oooh. "I don't want to be sucked into his game. I'm not even sure it is a game with him, or just him being a t***."

Oh dear! Somebody better hide the knives then!

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