The quarrel between Cleo and Dirk seems to be continuing. Trying to sort out the shopping list can be difficult at the best of times. What's more, Cleo doesn't even want to consider what might occur if the group are given extra beans.Perched in Nowhere drinking a brew with Cleo, Danielle became aware that the much feared shopping list was coming up. With their dance challenge in mind, she whined: "Even if we pass or fail, we're going to do the shopping list tonight.""I don't want to know," Cleo explained, clearly busy thinking about the strained relations between her and Dirk over the last couple of days. He's made cruel comments about her and she's fed up of him and his... beans, put to put it bluntly. "If we pass it, I worked it out to be about £250 for the week, but if we fail, it will be £45..." Danielle raved. "No, it will be less..." Cleo uttered, before they all fell quiet. "Dirk's so funny," Danielle disclosed, almost as if she was aware that Ms Rocos was furious with the Faceman. "Is he?" Cleo enquired a bit bitterly. "How's that? With his dancing?" she snarled. Gesturing a nod, Danielle started to bitch: "But he's OK, 'cos he's got all his rice and beans!"
"We've still got those left over from the last batch!" Cleo groaned. "We've probably got some from the first week lurking around in the garden!"
Round Two coming up between the two acting stars then? Stay tuned for more........
Tagged in Big Brother