Shortly after Jade's apology to Shilpa, Danielle quickly followed suit and did the same thing. Danielle admitted her errors to Shilpa earlier, and said she was "disgusted" at herself over behaviour previously.Nealt down near Shilpa's bed - a sort of made up confession booth - the glamour girl tried to build bridges after some rather "unglamourous" remarks. She held her naviety as a young girl and the "sheep" way of thinking in the House responsible."I didn't agree with some of the things you said to Jade, but I especially didn't agree with some of the things that Jade said to you," she disclosed. "I hate confrontation. I hate arguing." She then tried to stick up for Ms Goody, divulging that the reality TV star is "very scared" and that it was "silly of her to say those things because I don't think she meant them in a cruel way." Trying to move on more positively now, the Bollywood Beauty reassured the model that the situation was improved. "[Jade and I] had a very good conversation outside. We cleared it all out. She doesn't need to be worried." Danielle then criticised her own actions in the House. "I'm sorry. 'Cos I'm young and quite naive, I've probably took (sic) the route where I'll stick with Jade." "I feel really disgusted at myself... I'm following the leader, following the group - when [you are] a really nice girl."

"I'm not a bad person. I have got a good heart," insisted the former Ms GB.

"You have to have your own identity," Shilpa counselled. However Danielle revealed a drawback, suggesting that "since Jade come... I've felt really intimidated because Jade's a much stronger person."

At this confession of weakness, Ms Shetty moved over with a nice request of "give me a hug".


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