Jade was venting off in the Diary Room earlier - apparently her boyfriend Jack doesn't like a certain Bollywood beauty that's sharing the House with them. Oh dear!"Shilpa's getting on Jack's nerves," the Londoner informed the Big Guy. "She's not his cuppa tea. She keeps whispering to Jermaine and it's been doing his head in. He thinks it's rude." Ms Goody carried on standing up for her bloke saying: "When he wanted cloves of garlic in his food she wouldn't let him, she is so controlling." But it seems it's not just Mr Tweed who's finding the actress annoying as Jade also divulged:"Her screeching is getting to quite a few people, it's driving them mad." The famous mum of two then decided to do an impersonation of Shilpa shrieking. Not too alarmingly, the famous reality TV star supports her partner's opinion about Ms Shetty. She further stated:"There's more to Shilpa than meets the eye, she's got an agenda. She says she's being herself but I think she's fooling people into thinking she's that type of person. It never seems sincere." The 25 year believes she would attempt to make peace but argued:"Whenever I speak to her she just cries," before finishing with: "She's doing my nut in." We'd have never have guessed Jade!
Tagged in Big Brother