It looks like World War Three could kick off in the house - because of the basic rations.The inmates were all completely knackered after the task, so it probably wasn't a great idea to do the shopping list afterwards.What's more, giving them just 60 minutes to complete it really was asking for bother. The group had just £45 to spend between the nine of them."Right, this time we are getting involved!" Jade remarked, becoming aware that she'd have to get her food order down quickly. Shilpa was in the thick of it immediately, attempting to create some sort of order, but Cleo proposed: "Jade, you'd better do this, you've done it before..." "We all need to do it," Jade urged. "How much have we got each?" Shilpa worked it out: "Everyone gets a £5 order." "But the things that will get us through are rice and beans!" Cleo informed them, while Jack whined: "Aggh, too many voices!" Ms Goody then made up her mind that she, Jack, Danielle, and Jo would just pick things out together. "You all do yours and we'll do ours after, " she announced when the squabbling began as per usual. "I wanna eat things I like!"
"This is gonna make me really angry, I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut," Jo muttered, trying to bite her tongue. "I'll live on noodles and soy sauce!"
"We're all tired," Ian stated diplomaticly, attempting to calm the rows that seemed to be forming.
Poor Ian stuck in the middle of that lot. Stay tuned to see if things do heat up in there some more.....
Tagged in Big Brother