After revealing a bit too much in the shopping task Danielle was really worried about it.The humiliation of having to do Big Brother's Red Carpet Assault Course with her lingerie revealed to the nation appears to have got to Ms Lloyd. A bit alarming really, considering her profession as a glamour model. Whatever her job though, she was really depressed about the incident."I'm not happy... my dress has come down," Danielle divulged to Jo, as if the former S Clubber hadn't seen it happening with her own eyes."We didn't ask to wear them dresses. It's not your fault... I wouldn't worry," answered Jo, trying to make her pal feel better. However Ms O'Meara had other more worrying things on her mind, living on basic rations. "I get really grouchy if I don't have any food," she barked. Jack wasn't looking forward to it either. "Lentils, what are they? Seeds? F*** off! I hate things like that! Bird food!" he whined. While her inmates were thinking about dinner, probably their last reasonable one for a week, the young WAG was still chewing it over. "My boobs were out. I was trying to hold me boobs as I was climbing up the rope... the whole thing came down," she told any person she could her mitts on. Then, forgetting about her embarrassment just long enough to worry about plain food, the Scouse lass started sobbing. "I like to be at home and eat when I wanna eat!" she moaned.
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