The current problems in the House are even affecting Jade's sleep now, it was revealed earlier, as she explained a dream she had last night."You were all there!" screeched the Londoner as she recalled the nightmare to her "crew". "All Shilpa's family was there - there was a big one, a skinny one and a little one." The two ladies gazed on gobsmacked as Ms Goody carried on with: "Shilpa shouted out something not nice about Jo." "About me?" spluttered the insulted former S-Clubber. Then the famous mum of two informed Danielle: "Her cousin, this big girl, grabbed you by the hair and dragged you round the garden while her and me had a big kicking fight." "In the end the three of us got into trouble and Shilpa and her cousins didn't," she finished, leaving her audience furious at the unfairness of it all. "I had bad dreams too," disclosed Danielle. "Something proper bad is going to happen, something f***** up." Moving back to actual occurrences, Jade then started to tell the story of her actual row with Miss Shetty yesterday evening.

"I told her she was fake," she boasted. "Except I used a better word than fake."

"Phoney?" suggested Jo.

"No, it was a good word, I get articulate when I argue," divulged Jade, shouting across to her partner closeby. "What was my word Jack?"

Mr Tweed couldn't bring it to mind, so the Londoner concluded: "Well basically, fake - and she started to cry."

"She f****** hates us doesn't she?" remarked Danielle.

Well - we can't see why really....... What do you think about the two rival groups that have formed in the House then? Discuss it in our fab BB forum - we'd love to hear what you've got to say.

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