Alexander O'Neal
Alexander O'Neal admitted in a chat with The Sun newspaper that he didn't want to "deal with Arabs" in the Celebrity Big Brother house.
The singer saw Ken Morley removed from the house after he used the word "negro" twice and continued to use "unacceptable and offensive" language.
Whilst Alexander says he hates racism "more than anything", he has insisted that Arabs are "distrustful".
"I just don't approve of racism. I just disapprove of it so much. I don't advocate it, I don't want anything to do with it or with anybody that feels that way ... We are all completely different and we are made different for a purpose."
He went on to add: "Ok, honestly, Arabs. Arabs - I try not to hate anybody but they are probably my most disliked and most distrustful person in the whole world ... So I was hoping I didn't have to deal with Arabs in the Big Brother house."
Alexander goes on to say he thinks Arab immigrants in America are encroaching on African-American neighbourhoods and "taking" their jobs.
"Black people are very trusting of people of colour, we are liberal to people of colour.
"But I've never approved of them, I've never approved of them running our stores.
"We've got Arabs in Mississippi, I'm like, 'What the f**k? We're out in the country here and you've got Arabs running this country store.
"Why are you up here taking our money, taking our jobs - I don't approve of that."
The singer goes on to claim that some Arab taxi drivers refuse black men their service in their cabs, but he may want to keep these opinions to himself in the house, as Nadia Sawalha has Jordanian roots.
A source shared: "Nadia Sawalha is half Arabic as her actor father Nadim is Jordanian ... She would be disgusted to hear Alexander talk in that way and certainly wouldn't stand for any negativity towards Arabs."
Tagged in Nadia Sawalha