For each drawing the housemates get right they will receive "100 on to their weekly shopping budget.

But if the housemates fail to guess any of the quotes the house will receive an economy shopping delivery and have no hot water or access to electrical appliances.

The housemates have four phrases to guess. They guess "squatter" and "wannabes" correctly; however they fail to guess "Big Boobed babe" and "Hunky Trio".

Big Brother reveals that they guessed two phrases correctly and that they have received £200 for their shopping budget. David says "I could spend that on myself".

Sunshine, Ife, Ben and Shabby are in the living room.

Housemates are in the living room working out the shopping list. Rachel says that "she "can't cook".

Some housemates are in the kitchen. They discuss having a roast dinner, however Rachel tells them not to say that to Sunshine as she is Vegan and that she is "annoyed" that she wants a "separate budget" and adds "that's like me getting a separate budget for my beautician stuff".


Sunshine is in the diary room.

Sunshine is in the diary room with the shopping list. She returns to the house and talks to the other housemates stating that not everyone may be happy with the shopping list.


Some of the housemates are in the living room trying on Ife's wigs. Rachel and Govan are at the carousel.

Govan and Rachel talk about Sunshine and Dave. Rachel refers to them as "not my kind of person". Govan says that he thinks Ben is attracted to Rachel. She admits she heard "he wanted to share a bed with me".

Talking about Shabby, they talk about liking her but not liking the way she looks. They also discuss arguments that may "kick off".


Sunshine, Nathan and Josie are in the bedroom.

They discuss potential couples and Mario's and Govan's sexuality. Rachel enters the room and starts to talk about not being bale to straighten her hair as no tokens were ordered with the shopping list.


Some of the female housemates are in the bathroom discussing pretending to have a secret task. Ife talks about the tree of temptation.

Mario joins the girls. Big Brother reveals that the storeroom is open for housemates to collect the shopping list. Mario tells them "I am just a bit worried about the mole situation. I'm not sitting in the mole hole crying about it. I am not crying moley tears. I don't feel like a proper housemate".

Mario is left alone in the bathroom. The tree of temptation sets Mario a second impossible mission, which involves Mario throwing all the bread and potatoes (out of their packets) into the pool and then framing one of the other housemates for it.


Caoimhe breaks the rules by going into the mole hole to see Mario.


Most of the housemates are sleeping in the bedroom. Mario (in his underwear) collects the bread and potatoes from the store room in black bags and throws them in the pool. Mario places the empty potato bags in someone's make-up bag in the bathroom.

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