Despite not even been in their new home a week yet, the housemates have already started to form distinct groups and tension is mounting despite a harmonious start.
Following celebrity hijacker Kelly Osbournes gothic-inspired party, in which the leather-clad housemates were treated to party food and blood-red cocktails with a skull ice-sculpture as a centerpiece, Jeremy and Victor were told off by Jay and Calista after it was discovered that they had drunk all the alcohol.The boys then went to the garden with their duvets to discuss the night's events and Jeremy said: "We're going to be hated now. I love it how they've formed a group against us, Jay and Calista. And with those two comes Anthony and Jade. People aren't going to like us because we've drunk all the beer."
The comedy couple as they have been dubbed, have spoken out that they have had enough of the 'fakeness' in the Big Brother house and are angry that certain housemates seem to be playing up to the cameras. Alluding to beauty queen Jade, Jeremy said: "The thing is, I can't tell people how I feel because then they'll start crying and I'll be the most evil person on Big Brother ever."
Jade is also bringing out a dark side to fashion designer Jay as it appears he is out to please his fellow housemates rather than being true to himself. After revealing to Calista his true feelings of dislike towards MENSA member Jade, he quickly backtracked once Calista rushed to her defence saying that; "she is so sweet".
This prompted Jay to revise his own view and he said; "I retract that back actually... I really, really like her. I'm looking for the smallest things. She is a nice girl though. I hate these really small judgments I'm making 'cos I could be totally wrong."
On a more positive note however, could love be blossoming for contortionist Emilia and racing car driver Jeremy? The pair were flirting like schoolchildren during Alan Cummings method acting task on day five where Emilia was cast as a Hollywood flirt and Jeremy as an innocent country boy. Despite failing the task, it could be a winner in the romance stakes from Jeremy and Emilia.
FemaleFirst Ruth Harrison