Big Brother 10 Lisa
Lisa is p***ed off over speculation she is hated on the outside world.
Just let them play amongst each other. They can say what they want about me. I’m not climbing over the wall. I'm not quitting.
The outspoken lesbian ‘Big Brother’ housemate was in a bad mood as she went to the Diary Room to request the use of hair clippers to shave her head.
When Big Brother asked her how she was feeling, she replied: "pissed off."
She continued, explaining why and airing her suspicions: "All the rumours that went round yesterday saying that I was hated on the outside and that Charlie would be the next one to go and that probably I would be the next one to go.
"Because everyone that has been evicted have been people who got on with me and the public think I'm up to something."
Lisa insisted, however, that she was innocent of scheming and knows secrets which could dramatically change the house.
She warned: "I could have blown the House upside down in five minutes with what I know."
Referring to Kenneth’s escape from the show yesterday (23.07.09), she added: "Just let them play amongst each other. They can say what they want about me. I’m not climbing over the wall. I'm not quitting.
"I'll go when my time's up and I'll walk out that front door whatever."
Tagged in Big Brother