Following the evicion of Victor and Liam on Friday night, the housemates struggled to keep up to speed with Gordon Ramsay's instructions during their Cookalong challenge.Divided into three groups of chefs to make a starter, main course and dessert, the makeshift chefs followed Ramsay's instructions via headphones and a monitor. Anthony, Nathan and Jeremy started off proceedings by frying scallops.Amy, Jay and John suffered technical difficulties in their bid to make steak, chips and salad. After seasoning the meat, they discovered that the frying pan was still cold when Ramsay told them to start cooking. However, the trio managed to improvise and transfer the steaks to a saucepan. Under instructions to "whisk, whisk, whisk," Calista, Emilia and Latoya attempted to make a chocolate mousse, but the final outcome consisted of a syrup-like goo. The chefs were constantly overwhelmed with panic, with Calista squealing: "We don't know what to do!" A smile soon returned to their faces when they took turns scooping the leftover melted chocolate out of the bowl.In what seems to be a bid to make each other jealous Jeremy and Emilia discussed their partners on the outside world. Friday was Emilia’s boyfriend’s birthday and she was sad that she couldn’t be there to join in his celebrations. The acrobat confessed that she misses her boyfriend and is worried about how her friendship with Jeremy will be perceived. She told Amy; "I'm scared they've made a romance out of me and Jeremy. I miss my boyfriend a lot."Keen to point out that he too had other love interests, Jeremy told the Emila that he was missing a girl from university and that he; “Couldn’t stop thinking about her.” He told Emilia that his mystery girl has brown curly hair and is at university but was reluctant to divulge anything more.Sunday was definatly not a day of rest as Hollyoaks’ McQueen sisters appeared on the plasma screen, confirming that they were the housemates new celebrity hijacker much to the joy of the house with a thrilled Calista gushing: "They are so hot!"The trio of hijackers revealed that their task was one for the boys, involving three of the male housemates competing for the chance to date the TV stars. The boys in question would be tested on their chat up lines and conversation as well as other things the ‘sisters’ deemed essential from a good date.

The chosen few were Nathan, Jeremy and Anthony, who the McQueen sisters promptly told to spruce up before the series of romantic tasks began. Each Romeo was allowed two advisors to help with the task, with Nathan working with Calista and Jay, Jeremy teaming up with Emilia and Amy, and Anthony looking to John and Latoya for help.

The trio were given an array of clothes to choose from courtesy of the TV siblings, with Anthony's team quick to grab a smart suit for the boxer. Nathan opted for a blazer and jeans, while Jeremy got the short straw with Hawaiian pyjamas and nerdy glasses.

Anthony was given a strict lesson in dance by Latoya, with the boxer choreographing a routine that mixed boxing moves, break-dancing and hip-grinding. Jay soon set to work as Nathan's stylist, getting the R'n'B star to try a face pack. With the preparations over, the housemates were summoned to congregate on the sofas. "I better bloody win the task," sighed Jeremy.

However, unlucky for Jeremy, Anthony was crowned 'Romeo' and enjoyed a date with the trio before returning to the house in a dishevelled state and smeared with lipstick.

The beaming boxer left the boudoir to return to the living room and immediately Calista demanded to know: "What have they done to you?" but no answers were forthcoming from the 'Romeo', who said: "I don't kiss and tell." However, the housemates were unaware that Anthony's appearance was manufactured by the McQueen sisters moments before the end of the date. They daubed lipstick over him, poured some champagne over his chest and smeared a dripping ice cube over his face in a bid to create the impression of a wild date.

John's behaviour in the house has aroused the suspicion of several housemates, with Jeremy branding him a "mole". Emilia, Amy and Jeremy claimed that the Scot receives preferential treatment from Big Brother by being given toilet roll when he wants and being allowed to sleep through alarms. As the trio sat in the hot tub Jeremy said: "He’s a mole. He's not genuine... it's part of Big Brother. They've done it before. They've put actors in before."

Finally, could there be an argument between the ladies over a man? Latoya confided in John and Anthony that she thinks Calista is jealous of her close relationship with the boxer. Despite the mutual attraction between him and the musician, Anthony remained determined that nothing romantic would develop with Calista while they were in the BB house, but sympathised with Latoya for Calista's "paranoid" behaviour.

FemaleFirst – Ruth Harrison

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