Things got a bit hot and steamy when Chanelle and Billi decided to share a shower.The pair enjoyed a semi-naked wash together after spending the afternoon flirting in the bedroom.The flirtation started when the wannabe WAG asked model Billi for some fashion advice. "What should I wear today?" she frowned. "Why don't you go for the a*** out look? You haven't done that one yet," replied the cheeky hunk. Chanelle laughed. "Seriously Billi, you just wait till you're asleep." "What, are you going to come into my bed?" he joked.
Fifteen minutes later Chanelle joined Billi in the shower, smiling and chatting as they washed their hair. Billi's eyes were fixed firmly on the lass as she tugged her clothes back on.
Could this be the end of 'Chiggy'? Are things about to get a bit 'Chilli'.
Tagged in Big Brother