As a reward for swimming the most lengths in yesterday's task twin Amanda got to go shopping- without leaving the diary room.Wow, really? Go me!" she screeched when BB told her the good news. "This is the best ever, I have never won anything before!" But the smiles soon disappeared when it was revealed the prize would be to choose all of the items on this week's shopping list. "How is that a reward?" the dizzy blonde asked. "I feel I am being a little punished!" She was even less pleased when Big Brother told her she would have to stay in the Diary Room for an hour and complete the list herself. "Are you lying, Big Brother?" Amanda wailed. "I can't add up - I don't even know how to spell! Will you add up for me?"
Mean Big Brother refused-naturally.
Looks like the housemates will be living off all things pink for the next week- marshmallows and candfloss for dinner then guys?
Tagged in Big Brother