Gerry was not impressed when his cuddly toys fell foul of another of Seany's playful pranks.The Irish joker thought it would be funny to stuff Gerry's Freddie bear into a condom last night.Furious Gerry then tried to get his own back by throwing Seany's beloved hats into the pool."If you think it's fine to put a condom on my bear, I think it's fine to put your hats in the water." Said Gerry."You have to understand what is funny," he continued. "Now my bear smells of condom lube. I love my bear, and now he smells of lube.""Your bear was asking for it," joked Seany"Don't push me," replied Gerry. "Are you going to find it a joke when I put spunk on your clothes?"
"Enjoy your last night of freedom with Freddy - his arse is mine," said Seány, who continued to wind up Gerry.
"You will find your clothes in the oven. Let's see how you will react if I burn your leprechaun," hit back the art gallery researcher.
Sounds like war then guys.
Tagged in Big Brother