Yesterday housemates finally won a weekly task set by Big Brother.After 20 hours and 20 minutes the exhausted bunch managed to clock up the 7556 lengths required to win the luxury shopping budget.The task was designed to simulate swimming the distance of the English Channel and meant the housemates had to swim in shifts for two days."Oh my God," said Gerry as the group gathered in the living room to receive judgement from Big Brother. "This is Big Brother," the housemates were told.The wait was almost unbearable after a day of rumbling arguments among the housemates as they ploughed on with the seemingly endless swimming challenge. "Congratulations," said Big Brother.

Giving a huge cheer, high fives all round and embracing for a great big group hug, the housemates immediately put aside their differences to enjoy their success.

"Show me the money!" shouted Gerry. "Show me the money!"

"Thank you Big Brother," sighed a relieved Seány.

Maybe now there's enough food to go round they can stop with all the fighting.

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