They're at it again! Yes the housmates are having their daily row about food.This time it's Carole and Nicky who have fallen out after accusations of bitchiness and stirring.It all started when Charley announced that she was hungry, as Carole stood cooking nearby. "We're not allowed," Nicky told Charley, immediately incurring the wrath of the irate chef. "Don't be so facetious, Nicky!" Carole shouted. "She's already been told she can eat if she wants to. Don't start stirring!" With the tension simmering, the row then began to boil over. "Nicky - from now any friendship we had is over," Carole went on, barely pausing for breath. "If you're feeling upset, please don't come to me. I really don't want to have any more to do with you in this House while I'm here." Confused Nicky replied, "Why are you being nasty?"

"I don't like the attitude that's developed, especially from you towards me over the last few days. The sort of picky, petty comments that you make," Carole ranted. "You start telling people not to interfere but you do exactly that."

"You're a liar. You're full of yourself," Nicky shot back. But Carole fended off any attempts to have a dialogue, even rebuffing the attempts of Gerry the peacemaker.

"You're all gonna sleep... and you're gonna have a calm conversation tomorrow," he predicted, before Carole shattered his crystal ball by snapping: "Excuse me, Gerry - don't tell me what I'm going to do tomorrow, 'cos I'm not."

Nothing like a good slanging match to build up an appetite.

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