Seany got himself into a bit of a sticky situation when the girls decided to treat him to a leg wax.The unsuspecting irishman was pounced on as he entered the bedroom last night and before he knew what was going on the the girls had covered his leg in wax."No! No! No!" the helpless charity worker shrieked through his laughter. "Just the one, just the one," Ziggy repeated, as the girls approached Seány with the waxing strip. "Just relax, Seány," Chanelle coaxed. "Leave it, leave it," Ziggy told the girls sternly, as the predatory women attempted to pounce on Seány again. "Did it hurt?" he then asked. "No, no... not really!" Seány retorted, with a smile.

And then chaos broke out...

Seány picked up Chanelle and spun her round as the other housemates started a mass pillow fight.

"Guys," Seány called, "One... two... three: bongo!" as he led the gang off into the garden in a conga line.

And who said life in the house was boring!

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