Chanelle got a little closer to seany than most would want to last night- by squeezing his spots!The yorkshire lass used her special plastic 'spot squeezer' to prise the pus out of seany's pimples while the other housemates looked on in disgust."Spot squeezers are disgusting," Laura exclaimed as she watched the pair. Chanelle then popped a particularly stubborn blackhead, sighing in satisfaction as the pus oozed out. "It's so bloody good," she sighed."Are you sure there's nothing in that one?" Charley asked, indicating another spot. "I've tried getting the rest of it out," Chanelle shrugged. "There isn't anything there," Ziggy announced. "It's part of his face," he added cruelly.
"Chanelle, do you like doing that?" Shabnam barked. "Can you do my one?"
But Chanelle chose to ignore the make-up fan.
That's so wrong, really wrong," Ziggy groaned. "I think I'm gonna be sick."
"I don't think you should burst spots, anyway," Laura frowned.
"All I'm doing is squeezing the ones that are there," Chanelle protested. "I love it, it's ace." And she proceeded to squeeze another offending whitehead.
Whatever floats your boat!
Tagged in Big Brother